Monday, September 8, 2014


amount/total = percentage
Calculate the amount if you know the total and percentage
Purchase price Sales tax (in decimal form)
800 0.089
Formula Description (Result)
$71.20 Multiplies 800 by 0.089 to find the amount of sales tax to pay ($71.20)

Calculate the percentage if you know the total and amount
Points answered correctly Total points possible
42 50
Formula Description (Result)
84% Divides 42 by 50 to find the percentage of correct answers (0.84 or 84%)
Calculate the total if you know the amount and percentage
Sale price 100% minus the discount (in decimal form)
15 0.75
Formula Description (Result)
20 Divides 15 by 0.75 to find the original price (20)
Calculate the difference between two numbers as a percentage
November earnings December earnings
2342 2500
Formula Description (Result)
6.75% Divides the difference between the second and first numbers by the absolute value of the first number to get the percentage change (0.06746 or 6.75%)
Increase or decrease a number by a percentage
Number Percentage
25 25%
Formula Description (Result)
18.75 Decreases 25 by 25% (18.75)
31.25 Increases 25 by 25% (31.75)
33.75 Increases 25 by 35% (33.75)
November earnings  


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